What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Vt...My ex has custody, I am the non custodial parent. Our son will be 18 in June and is a senior in HS. He is also autistic. All my child support is up to date, and I have visitation with him. I received information from the high school that since my son turns 18 in June and needs further education that even though he is a senior they will put him through a high school program for 5-6 more years. Here is the problem. My ex has filed for full legal guardianship once my son turns 18. This was recommended by the Family Service Case manager to my ex. I was never notified of any of these proceedings until recently. They have been working on it for months! She is helping him get guardianship. In Vermont the law states when a child turns 18 or graduates whichever comes last child support ends. But, on the other hand if my ex gets full legal guardianship he can (I did check) make all decisions on his needs. How does this affect my visitation time and child support?? I have been looking and looking for answers on line. I cannot afford an attorney. Any one help?