What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TEXAS
My niece is a single parent with 5 kids between the ages of 10 & 14 and she is at her wits end as far as how to handle the children. she got out of a violent abusive relationship with their father several years ago and because she was hospitalized because of a brutal beating, the kids were placed in foster care. They were split up. my niece fought for over 2 years to get the kids back and they have been with her for a year now.
these kids are extreme discipline problems and are violently abusive to her & each other, both physically & orally. She doesn't know how to handle them. While the kids were in foster care, part of the requirements placed her as a condition of their return was that she attend parenting classes and have counseling. She did everything required of her but since the return of the kids, she has been unable to control them. she is not able to leave them alone because they fight all the time & try to hurt each other. SHe can not keep a job because she was constantly being called to their schools or having to stay home with the kids when one or the other was suspended.
One child had been removed from the home due to his extremely violent nature.
I live in another city and while i was visiting them last week, i personally witnessed what she goes thru on a daily basis. the youngest child didn't like her sister looking at her or her brother touching her in the backseat of the car. As a result all 4 kids were fighting....throwing punches, biting, scratching, cursing & kicking....all of this while the car was still moving on the highway. My niece said this was a daily thing but she pulled over to a constable's office at a toll road and they were still fighting. The youngest one ran out and was taken inside & an ambulance was called & I went with her to the hospital while my niece stayed to talk to the officers. The child only had a few scratches and a minor bite mark but CPS was called & all the kids were taken. When my niece finally got to the hospital, CPS picked up the little girl and we all ended up at CPS' offices. they sent the kids home & gave my niece a list of options that the kids needed to follow or they would be removed from the home. The next day it was back to the same old behavior.... nothing changed. one child even said he was going to break his arm & blame it on his mom. They all do & say these things. I fear for my niece safety because these kids have no fear of consequences.
So my queston is:
Can my niece voluntarily terminate her rights to the children with out her facing charges of abandonment or being charged with child neglect?? Can she take them to the CPS offices and explain the situation (which they already have on file) and not have criminal charges filed on her??
My niece is a single parent with 5 kids between the ages of 10 & 14 and she is at her wits end as far as how to handle the children. she got out of a violent abusive relationship with their father several years ago and because she was hospitalized because of a brutal beating, the kids were placed in foster care. They were split up. my niece fought for over 2 years to get the kids back and they have been with her for a year now.
these kids are extreme discipline problems and are violently abusive to her & each other, both physically & orally. She doesn't know how to handle them. While the kids were in foster care, part of the requirements placed her as a condition of their return was that she attend parenting classes and have counseling. She did everything required of her but since the return of the kids, she has been unable to control them. she is not able to leave them alone because they fight all the time & try to hurt each other. SHe can not keep a job because she was constantly being called to their schools or having to stay home with the kids when one or the other was suspended.
One child had been removed from the home due to his extremely violent nature.
I live in another city and while i was visiting them last week, i personally witnessed what she goes thru on a daily basis. the youngest child didn't like her sister looking at her or her brother touching her in the backseat of the car. As a result all 4 kids were fighting....throwing punches, biting, scratching, cursing & kicking....all of this while the car was still moving on the highway. My niece said this was a daily thing but she pulled over to a constable's office at a toll road and they were still fighting. The youngest one ran out and was taken inside & an ambulance was called & I went with her to the hospital while my niece stayed to talk to the officers. The child only had a few scratches and a minor bite mark but CPS was called & all the kids were taken. When my niece finally got to the hospital, CPS picked up the little girl and we all ended up at CPS' offices. they sent the kids home & gave my niece a list of options that the kids needed to follow or they would be removed from the home. The next day it was back to the same old behavior.... nothing changed. one child even said he was going to break his arm & blame it on his mom. They all do & say these things. I fear for my niece safety because these kids have no fear of consequences.
So my queston is:
Can my niece voluntarily terminate her rights to the children with out her facing charges of abandonment or being charged with child neglect?? Can she take them to the CPS offices and explain the situation (which they already have on file) and not have criminal charges filed on her??