dlw99, in your very first post to this forum, you were concerned with the publication of information about your son that was taken from a court proceeding. You wanted to know how you could protect your son by having this information removed from the website where it appeared, and how you could have the court records sealed to protect your son in the future.
Why you would even consider putting other children in the same situation that you found your son in is beyond me.
I recommend you follow the "gut" instinct you had in your Posts #5 and #9. If you think you looked like a "villain" in the court hearings, you can expect to look even more like one if you decide to publish facts about young children on television (whether it is a supposed "news" show airing these facts or not).
The matter was handled in court. You got your vindication. Leave it at that.
My concern in my first post, which had zero responses, was that the defendants and their rabid parents might find the info online ahead of the trial. Now that it's over and we have succeeded, I don't care who finds the post. My son was at the center of this mess, and the judge made him feel like a hero for coming forward.
Big Bullies raise little bullies. You haven't walked in my shoes, and have no idea how these animals affected my family's life, which was joyful and thankful before we met these freaks. Mercifully, we are returning to a better quality of life these days.
My skin has gotten very thick, and I couldn't give a tinker's damn about being portrayed as a villian in my tiny town.....again.
The reason I am re-considering the show is because of the education it might give to millions of families about how to handle bullies, that they come from all walks of life, shapes, sizes and ages, and how, with the rapid advancement in technology, can bully your kid from cyberspace.
These people are white, upper middle class, live in a nice home with a perfectly manicured lawn, drive late model cars, and are the meanest spirited people any of us have ever encountered.
We had a recent case in Massachusetts of a beautiful teenage girl who moved here from Ireland with her family and ended up committing suicide after she was bullied in her neighborhood, at school, and on the internet. Like with my family, the police did nothing, the school did nothing, and the neighbors did nothing to put a stop to it. Our bully laws are finally beginning to catch up with our technology and reality.
Despite the HPOs, the children involved are still (but not as overtly) trying to intimidate my family. This is why I'm reconsidering. I am sick of dealing with the police and the courts. They would never live down a beating on national television. I have loads of video and other documentation that would make the story salacious enough for the program, which is why they want it.
We are still being harassed by -agents- of the kids. When our lawyer asked me which boxes on the form I wanted to check, I was so emotionally exhausted from the trial that I did not have the presence of mind to check the box that included agents of the defendants. I just checked the general ''do not abuse'' box.
While we had sucess in court and life is more peaceful, I have been assured by the bullies that it won't remain that way for long. Cops, social agencies, and mediation services have all proved useless.
This mess started with public humiliation, and it could easily end with public humiliation in a harmonic karmic fashion.
Still, I do have reservations about blasting the baby bullies, and can't do the show without it. I didn't give the author or producers much hope that I would change my mind, but as you can see by my long winded post, I am giving it honest reconsideration.