OMG, this so needs responding to.
I see that there are a bunch of comedians out here.
The only posts I've seen with loads of "hehehe" and "LOL" are yours, dear. YOU seem to be the one who thinks she's a comedian.
This is my life and to just give a little more background. My Grandma raised me and also her 15 kids yep 15 some of them are still alive to this day but my gradma is not.
Good for her. Times were different. But still rather irrelevant to your situation. Unless she raised a bunch of juvenile delinquents. Which I'd suspect she did not.
My own mother had 5 kids by the time she was 21. She gave birth to me at 15(ooooo).
Still rather irrelevant to your situation.
I am the oldest at 37 then their is a 36, 33, 31 and 24.
The only relevant part of this is that you're 37. So when you had your 10yo, you were 27. Hardly the "young and stupid" you tried to portray yourself to be earlier. Old enough to know better is more the description I'd go with.
Oh by the way I am African American.
And we care about this... why? Your race or ethnic heritage is completely irrelevant.
In our culture we don't Abort we deal with the stuff and take so many punches doing the process of growing the childern up.
B and S. From
Abortion Rate Falls, But Not Equally for All Women - TIME (That would be Time Magazine):
Statistically one in three U.S. women will have an abortion in her lifetime, the study found, but that risk does not apply to all women equally. Women who choose abortion are more likely to be in their 20s or 30s than in their teens or 40s; they're more likely to have children already; and they're also more likely to be black or Hispanic than white. The abortion rates in 2004 were 50 abortions per 1,000 black women and 28 abortions per 1,000 Hispanic women, compared with 11 out of every 1,000 white women.
So please don't get all high and mighty about your culture. And remember - YOU are the one who brought race into it - no one else.
In 2004 my son yes another one passed away from SIDS at 18 months and he was diagnosed with near missed sids at 2 months and a few days old. This was very trying for all of us to deal with and we are still dealing with it daily.
My condolences on yoru loss.
I don't need empthy I need respect!
Respect is earned. You haven't earned it here, nor do you seem to have done so from your children. Not yet, anyway.
I get up at 5 am daily to prepair for the day. Iron all of as well as my clothes for the day. Make breakfast for us and see what is on the to do list for the day.
Would you like an award?
The kids don't well right now go outside until 12 noon daily.
They'd probably be safer outside before noon than after. The drunks, dealers, and hookers are still asleep after a long night on the streets.
From the time that they get up however it is attitude and arguments until I get tired of hearing them then I seperate them but that only last for alittle bit. So I take the TV outta the rooms and then it's on! That is my tv why are u taking it then it slamming clothes drawers in their room and screaming while kicking the wall. Threating to jump out the window and so on. This is my life!
Why the heck do they have tv's in their rooms? We have one tv - in the family room. Where we watch.... as a family. How about giving them something else to do? You know.... books to read? Libraries give them to you. For free.
Have you taken any parenting classes? Might be useful to you. You may also want to borrow a book for yourself from the library: "How To Talk So Your Children Will Listen (And How TO Listen So Your Children Will Talk)"
Some of you just might be raising some angels but mine are not they have had this ****y attitude before they were born.
Nice way to look at your kids.
Oh to the person that asked y did I keep going and having more children it was because I wanted a girl.
Yeah well... that's not a reason to have a litter.
I am so glad this country doesn't put a cap on how many children a person can have and I am so glad that I am not my Grandma or Octomom. (LOL)
Not all that different, to be honest.
I want a large family so that If I never have a man of my own I'd still have my children to love me no matter what and I still believe that they do they just are going through some rough patches or months of them.
It doesn't work that way. And you've said that your kids have been like this since birth - pretty long rough patch there.
Oh If I touch them or spank them they threaten to call the police on me!! This is what our fantastic schools are teaching them now. These kids of my are keen.
More idiocy. Frankly, kids learn what they see. Maybe a look in the mirror and parenting classes would do you good.