What city/county were you ticketed in?
I agree with perroloco that you probably have no basis to fight the MIP - possession is pretty much possession regardless of the BAC - but you should consult with an attorney in your area anyway, to see if there is any way the ticket can be dismissed outright.
A conviction on a minor in possession charge will result in a misdemeanor on your record, and you can find yourself having difficulties getting school loans, personal loans and jobs, and a misdemeanor can affect your insurance rates, and your entry into Canada can be denied. An attorney can be your best insurance against this happening.
If you are a college student, many attorneys in and near college towns will offer student "discounts" or payment plans for handling an MIP.
If this is your first offense, you should be eligible for the diversion program, which keeps the misdemeanor from appearing as part of your criminal history, if you meet all the terms of the program satisfactorially and do not reoffend during your probationary period.
The terms of the program will include community service hours, alcohol/drug education classes, and all costs incurred as a result. The probationary period is generally 6 months, depending on the county where you were ticketed (one judge orders a 2 year probation). If you successfully complete all of the terms of the program, and do not violate any other laws during your probation, the MIP will be discharged and dismissed and there will be no public record of it to report on applications.
Diversion will require that you plead guilty to the MIP charge. If you do not meet all of the terms of the diversion program, the guilty plea can be entered by the court and you will wind up with the misdemeanor on your record. You DO NOT want this to happen.
Again, I recommend you have an attorney, or consult with an attorney, prior to your arraignment (your first appearance in court). If you do not have an attorney prior to this first appearance, you should plead NOT GUILTY and another hearing will be scheduled. Get an attorney or consult with an attorney before this next hearing. At this next scheduled hearing, you will want to ASK FOR diversion and it should be offered at that time.
Good luck.