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Was I discriminated against because of my LACK of religion?

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Senior Member
Yuppers... making the point that a lack of capitalization could be seen as a pointed insult....

Like, say, the words "Roman Catholic".
I used to think things like capitalization were indicators of intelligence...

Today, I got a student's paper, and in her references, was "The Onion." She did a paper about cryogenically freezing people until the recession got better.... sigh....


Senior Member
I used to think things like capitalization were indicators of intelligence...

Today, I got a student's paper, and in her references, was "The Onion." She did a paper about cryogenically freezing people until the recession got better.... sigh....

I am very curious what her cross reference was!

Make sure you send a nice email to the Onion folks.... you KNOW they would love that story....


Under the Radar Member
I just finished learning about this in school. Not the crusades, but where and why catholicism was created. you're wrong. it was based in rome, just like it still is
Now we see why you didn't get an "A". You didn't deserve it.

Ya know.... I'm Orthodox, my son is Atheist, and my daughter is Agnostic. You're just stupid.
Now we see why you didn't get an "A". You didn't deserve it.

Ya know.... I'm Orthodox, my son is Atheist, and my daughter is Agnostic. You're just stupid.
you certainly proved i'm stupid by telling me what religions your family follows. thanks much

anywho, back on topic
So if you guys thought I was a douchebag before, you're really gonna wanna hit me after reading this. I would try describing the hearing, but this letter I just sent should do a decent job, and I'm just not in the mood to write that much again...

Mrs. ********,

Who is the current Chief Executive Officer at ***? Would you provide his or her contact info, please? I need to appeal the committee's decision. Not to be brash, but please do not patronize me with a response that the committee is still deliberating. I know what the outcome will be, because it is the outcome that it was going to be before I showed up this morning. I came because due diligence required that I come. It now requires that I seek an appeal.

Section d., subparagraph 4 of the General Grievance Process For Matters Other Than Disciplinary reads, "...In addition, each party has the right to question witnesses..." I tried to exercise this right by naming my classmates as witnesses in my Formal Grievance Hearing Request, but the statement was ignored. I was denied that right multiple times during today's hearing and was even told that the committee has the authority to decide whether the class is questioned. I do not read that the committee has that right anywhere in the Grievance Process. Had Mrs. **** requested to have her class surveyed, would you have also denied her the request? Come to think of it, is it not strange that a teacher defending an allegation of incompetency did not wish to have her class defend her with statements about her competency? But I suppose when you have a committee of four that is willing to defend actions that they did not witness, a survey would be a bit of a waste of time.

It would have been nice to have witness statements when the hearing became a he said/she said argument, and you all took the side of "she said".

It would have been nice to have witness statements when the student committee member said that one third of my classmates being absent for an essay which represented nearly 10% their grades...was not at all proof that the students did not know about the essay. Rather, the committee member insisted that one third of the class was extremely lazy, and that I was the only one who did not show up for lack of knowledge about the essay. Interesting, because I had already shown that nearly twenty assignments in the syllabus were skipped and the rest were rearranged. I do not recall being shown any evidence that nine specific people in my class are lazy. Odd choice, to take in that evidence and immediately side against nine students who were not present to explain themselves.

It would have been nice to have witness statements when the gentleman who spoke to me as though I were a defiant child throughout the hearing...expressed his disbelief that allowing late work was universal for the class, ignoring my statement that Mrs. **** specifically gave the entire class a "final due date for late work" near the end of the semester.

Anyway, hopefully these issues and others will be rectified through an appeal.

Thanks for that contact info.

-***** *****


You guys may not know, but this argument was never about religion. I was just curious if that could be an aspect of my argument. The argument was always that the syllabus was thrown into chaos by the teacher, who was frequently absent. In fact, here...this is a list of reasons that I provided to the committee as to why I wanted the class to be surveyed as witnesses....


Witnesses would be able to confirm a number of VERY important things that I stated in my written complaint, for example:

-That the teacher behaved erratically on a daily basis
-That the teacher was absent at least four days during the semester
-That one absence was blamed on her husband making her stay home...because of her behavior.
-That she had many other odd excuses for her absences, such as "I wanted to give you time to work on your research paper" despite not telling us ahead of time that she would be absent.
-That the class had a hard time knowing when assignments were due
-That questions about due dates were met with answers that were often confusing and indirect
-That they also never received back certain assignments that they turned in
-That many syllabus assignments are not just missing from the grade sheet, but were never administered to the class at all (total of about 18, including about 6 essays)
-That the list of topics given to us for our research paper was optional, despite Mrs. Herr, in her official statement to the committee, saying it was not


So basically the response was "sorry, man...you were absent. The instructor may have told the class about the essay you missed when you were absent, and we aren't going to interview the class to find out. But we are going to assume she told everyone and say that this is all your fault. good day"


Senior Member
I actually agree with you, and think you make a compelling argument in your letter. If you have the right to call witnesses, then you have the right, and I would like you to take it up the chain of command. If that is the CFO (which you could find out on your own, through the internet) then so be it. You can always take your case to your Student Judicial Affairs office and plead your case there, or at least ask for an opinion if this is worth all your effort.

At some point, it will have to be over. Provide all your documentation, and make your case.

Goog luck!
I actually agree with you, and think you make a compelling argument in your letter. If you have the right to call witnesses, then you have the right, and I would like you to take it up the chain of command. If that is the CFO (which you could find out on your own, through the internet) then so be it. You can always take your case to your Student Judicial Affairs office and plead your case there, or at least ask for an opinion if this is worth all your effort.

At some point, it will have to be over. Provide all your documentation, and make your case.

Goog luck!
Thanks much! Like I told them in the meeting, I'm not trying to say i'm some angel here. I didn't go to class certain days, and I should have gone to class. I accept some responsibility, and I am also not asking for a 100% grade in the class. I'm just saying that there was clearly a failure in communication ALSO on the part of the teacher. The teacher handbook...for GOOD REASON...states "changes to the syllabus must be clearly communicated with the class". I think she should admit some responsibility, and that I should be allowed to have the class support me if the handbook says I can have them support me.

3.1% away from an "A"...86.9%. I figured it out, and out of 100 points, I would have only had to score 35 on that missed essay in order to get an "A" in the class. I didn't get anything less than an "A" on every essay I wrote that semester, so how unreasonable am I to ask that I be awarded the bare minimum of points on that essay to get an "A"?

I have a feeling this will not be ending in my favor, but I'm definitely going to keep going at it.
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