Senior Member
but it is not abandoned PLUS the tow company cannot simply sell it to you. I would have to check to verify but in any state I have researched it for, the tow company is required to auction the vehicle in a public auction. That helps prevent exactly what you are considering.Justalayman suggests the towing company is illegal, it isn't.
If I called them and said get this motorcycle out of my yard I don't have a title. They would gladly tow it away.
did a quick preliminary check. It seems the tow operator is required to hold the vehicle for up to 6 months and then it can be sold at public auction. During the hold period, the registered owner will be contacted and offered the right to reclaim the vehicle for costs.
auction, not direct saleIf no contact is made by the owner, a public notice will be place in a newspaper of the last known residence of the title owner stating they have possesion of the the vehicle. If the time the value of the storage fee from the towing company exceeds the value of the motorcycle. The motorcycle can be sold to recover fees for towing, for them to sell it they (the towing company) will be issued a title. Then I can buy it from them. All legal and not a GD thing the state could do.
there are more wrinkles than that but what they hey, if you think it will work, go for it. If the tow operator is shady enough, he can make it work.There is one wrinkle in this avenue. If the owner claims ownership and pays for the storage fee, I'm out the money I paid for it and without my lawn ornament (just for you Justalayman)