Actually no it has nothing to do with a love interest so thanks for trying to make me look ignorant anyway though. As far as where I spend the rest of my nights, that's about as much of your business as it is my business to know where you spend your nights.
I wasn't asking to be cute. I was asking because the JUDGE will ask where you sleep and how much of the rent you are paying there.
Judges also will NOT emancipate little girls just so that they can go shack up with their adult boyfriends and then make babies that the nice taxpayers that pay his/her salary get to support.
I think I know why you and your mom don't get along. It's because you are a twit.
Yes I can prove I can pay for all of the following just fine. I didn't ask for anyone's smart remarks or opinions, I don't really care at all what they are, thanks.
Drama much?
We are asking you, again, the EXACT questions a judge will. By the way, the first time you tell a judge that you can do something "just fine" will be the last time you speak in that courtroom.
No one will take your word that you can provide for yourself. You have to bring receipts and your checkbook and be prepared to show where every single dollar goes. Every single dollar.
You are asking the court a favor.
I'm not getting a straight answer because my question wasn't what anyone thought about it because I probably have my life more together than half of legal adults these days.
Yeah, that's it. We don't understand you because WE don't know what it takes to support ourselves.
Do you have any idea of the raw number of "I wanna get emancipated" diatribes we get here?
so far, you haven't told us what you make, where you are living, with whom you are living and your plan on supporting yourself because it is none of our business....
You want help you have to learn that there are rules of the game.
So unless yall are telling me WHO I need to go talk to in my county and WHAT papers I need to present, don't answer my stream. Cause your opinions mean nothing to me, I was looking for answers.
You aren't the boss of me.
You are are disrespectful to volunteers you ask for help and you are hopelessly naive about what it takes to become emancipated.
Not to be disrespectful by any of this, but I'm not an ignorant teenager looking to get out of the house having no idea what I'm doing.
Then you should have posted differently because that is exactly the image you project.