Hello. I live in Pennsylvania. I am 19 years old, and my girlfriend is 17 years old. My girlfriends mom and dad divorced while she was at a young age. Her mom got custody of her after the divorce. She doesn't like/get along with her mom much at all. They are constantly fighting, and, it seems to me, that her mom only wants her around so she can clean and do any other housework. My girlfriend is getting tired of the way her mom treats her and tired of living in her mom's house. She doesn't particularly want to move in with her dad because her dad lives close to an hour away. She generally gets along good with her grandparents, but i'm not sure if they would be willing to take her in. She talks about wanting to move into my mom's house with my mom and me. I know my mom and I would be more than happy to accept her into my house. However, is it even legal for her to move out of her house at age 17? Could her mom call the cops to get her removed from my house? Could her mom press kidnapping charges on me since i'm 19 and shes under 18? I was wondering what her legal options would be, if any?