What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Ohio My children's mother and I have a shared parenting order. We were never married, I'm the custodial and she has weekly visitiation. Just received a letter from my health care provider agreeing to counseling for our oldest child [8]. We have never talked about this. This is not a joint decision, this is her's alone. I spoke with both of our children and they said it wasn't their idea. Both children are well-adjusted and doing well in school, if I felt the services were needed I wouldn't have a problem but I see this as little more than another ploy in her attempts to regain custody. I provide healthcare for our children and nothing was mentioned in the court about sharing expenses. I didn't ask or received CS from her. Is this something I have to go along with? I have a HSA so I'm responsible for costs of services until the deductable is met. Is it reasonable to expect her to split the cost of these sessions? Is it reasonable to be a part of the counseling sessions for our children? Would the counselor have to comply with this request? Thanks in advance.