The surviving brother is doing awesome! We were told that he'd be death and blind with severe brain trauma. Well, the little fellows brain turned out just fine, he wears glasses and just got fitted for a tiny hearing aid to help him with different pitches. So it looks like the odds of his brother making it would have been pretty good since he was the healthiest of all 3 with very limited issues.
We are now on our 3rd attorney, the previous 2 didn't think there was a wrongful death case. That's fine however, there should be something we can do about the actual ants biting and then the losing and reappearing of the autopsy request. O, yeah I requested that an autopsy be performed and that's in the medical records on the proper forms. We were told "due to a clerical error, the body was released for cremation prior to performing an autopsy". I mean come on people. What is p*ssing me off the most is we can't even get an attorney to file a case on that or the mistreatment.
So far, they continue to focus on the wrongful death and if the pay out isn't going to be large enough or a slam dunk case we get the boot, literally.
Hopefully, the new firm will help us make our stand.
At this point I am willing to invest my entire life savings and liquidate everything else if necessary. But, I can't because I got little man here to worry about.
Basically, the advice I need is..... Do we have the right to file a lawsuit for whatever legal words for them not performing an autopsy after it was officially and properly requested. Also, file a suit for the actual ant bites that were logged in the nurse notes? The nurse actually wrote that "ants were discovered on baby and puss spores were seen on his legs. However, cannot be sure if they were ant bites". Of course they are not going to identify to that extent, however if those were pre-existing puss spores why weren't they covered with bandages??? Well??? Ok, no bandages? Could this be the way the infection could have set in? There are so many holes in everything I'm not seeing how this isn't a slam dunk...... If there's an attorney in Alabama that reads these posts and is interested in our case, please let me know. We have only made a phone call and left a message for a new attorney at this time.