What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? California
My names Bryan, I'm 22, was arrested in Westwood, Los Angeles, I dozzed off on the wheel for a sec and crashed into a parked car, nobody was injured/present besides myself. This was about 2am. I was arrested when the police came by and I blew a 0.14 on the breath test. I was supposed to be freed at 10am but I spent 3 days in jail because they said the Justice Department couldn't verify my prints or whatever, so I stayed until the legal max.
Its my first offense, first-anything with the law, I have a completely clean record. My ticket has a misdemeanor DUI with TC charge (traffic collision). My court date is the this month on the 26th. I have absolutely no money for an attorney.
I got drunk at a local bar near UCLA, I don't drink and I drank a lot (0.14 BAC) and I crashed into another car and caused damage - and I don't know the size of damage yet - I just know the car was on its side after I hit it (I have a small car and I must have hit it at the only angle where my car would get under it and turn it on its side). I already know I'll have my licsense suspended for 4 months min, probably 1 year.
Do I get to speak with a public defender before my arrainment? How much trouble will I find trying to plea for a wet wreckless charge? How about avoiding jail time? The rest of the penalties I can live with, I am just scared about avoiding jail time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
- Bryan
My names Bryan, I'm 22, was arrested in Westwood, Los Angeles, I dozzed off on the wheel for a sec and crashed into a parked car, nobody was injured/present besides myself. This was about 2am. I was arrested when the police came by and I blew a 0.14 on the breath test. I was supposed to be freed at 10am but I spent 3 days in jail because they said the Justice Department couldn't verify my prints or whatever, so I stayed until the legal max.
Its my first offense, first-anything with the law, I have a completely clean record. My ticket has a misdemeanor DUI with TC charge (traffic collision). My court date is the this month on the 26th. I have absolutely no money for an attorney.
I got drunk at a local bar near UCLA, I don't drink and I drank a lot (0.14 BAC) and I crashed into another car and caused damage - and I don't know the size of damage yet - I just know the car was on its side after I hit it (I have a small car and I must have hit it at the only angle where my car would get under it and turn it on its side). I already know I'll have my licsense suspended for 4 months min, probably 1 year.
Do I get to speak with a public defender before my arrainment? How much trouble will I find trying to plea for a wet wreckless charge? How about avoiding jail time? The rest of the penalties I can live with, I am just scared about avoiding jail time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
- Bryan