I have had experience with parents who actually think that having their child put in juvenile gives them a disciplinary tool, a threat that if the the child gives them any more trouble, and they go back to the judge, the child will go back to juvenile.
Unfortunately, unless your mother is so bad that you think the foster care system might be preferable to life with her, she has that edge on you and can hold this over you until you age out and can leave on your own. And you are not there yet. So what you need to do is rehabilitate yourself. Do your utmost to get along with her.
While it is okay to explain how bad she is to us, how she is mentally ill, treats you abusively and smokes pot, whatever, which may or may not be true, what I said before still goes about what to say in front of the judge. You must convince them that you are mature, responsible, and that you understand and take full blame for the previous troubles you've had, and won't be having any more.
"I dunno why everybody's thinking I'm a bad kid" is more of that pity party poor me talk that the judge will have heard repeatedly.
You've done some things. Maybe more, maybe less than "most kids my age" but that doesn't matter. It's all about whether YOU are ready to grown up and change and be responsible and not get into any further trouble.
Yes, going to juvenile would be a depressing experience, and it sounds as though you've got some depression issues going here anyway. Probably some outpatient counseling for issues dealing with this and your relationship with your parents would be much more helpful to you than another trip through the correctional system. Can you request this through the court system? Do you have a CASA advocate or anyone in the system who is working with you? Say you are willing and ask if there is a chance you could have a counselor to work with you instead of going back into the system.