I cant afford to pay another attorney again, i havent even paid off the last attorney for his sisters's mistake.
Believe me, I understand. In this economy, it's not easy to scrape up emergency funds.
However, please note that he (whether he obtained the money from you or from his job ~ if applicable) DID have the funds to not only come down to my town for a visit, but to purchase 24 grams of maryjane, too.
He might have to take whatever they give him. We live in Georgia, so can they send him.to juvie in Florida or would it be here?
Trust me, he'll serve his time HERE. And he'll most likely be tried as an adult. I can't remember the last time a minor over the age of 15 was tried as a juvenile under drug charges.
And with all due respect, make sure to plan to take care of him for the rest of his life. If our juvie here (on the off chance that he IS tried as a juvenile) doesn't turn him into a lifelong criminal who won't qualify for a job at Mickey Dee's, our jail certainly will.
Scary situation, i dont want my sons life ruined on this one.
Then get a lawyer. Trust me, you NEED one. No "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it.
The majority of the people in our jail are drug dealers and violent offenders (usually committed in the course of a drug transaction). That's the ilk of people your son will get to know. Personally. :/
Make him work off the funds for the attorney. Hire him out as little more than slave labor if need be. Sell his things. Whatever you need to do to clean up HIS mess.