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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Pa

My child's father and I had an off and on relationship for about 3 years before my child was born. During the first year of my child's life, the father was only around for 3-4 months. By the time my child turned 2 years old, the father was gone. I begged his to visit my child, but he was always to busy or had other plans. The father went an entire year without any contact with my child. During that year, I left the child support going. I figured it was the least I could do for my child, since the father didnt want to be bothered. I then met someone who treated/treats my child as his own. He is more like a father to my child than his boilogical father. After my child turned 3 years old, I recieved legal papers in the mail from an attorney, stating that the father was sueing me in court for custody of my child and that mediation was schedualed for the following Monday. I pulled myself together, got a lawyer, and had a temporary custody order set in place. In the months that followed, I prepared to go infront of a judge because neither one of us could agree. The day before court, the father agreed to visitation and the child living with me. For an entire year, the father, his girlfriend (now wife) and myself were very disrespectufl to one another. All the parties included were rude, mean, and said horrible things to eachother. That lasted for a whole year. Finally I had enough, and contact both of them, and expressed my concern for how the child involved was a witness to every situation. Everyone involved agreed to act as adults and treat eachother with respect. Sadly, that only lasted nine months. The father did not agree with an activity that I enrolled the child in, and became upset. Instead of acting as adults, the father went right to an attorney and tryed to force me to see things his way.

The first lawyer contact started in 2008 (that was when the child's father tryed to sue me in court for custody). During all these years, I have had deep concerns about the well being of my child. The fathers now wife, once had posted in the internet that she was the mother to two twin boys. When in fact, she does have a child from another man, but other than that my child was the only other child in the home at that time (i believe my child was 2 years old at the time she posted that). Also, the wife has posted pictures of herself, her child, and my child with captions stating "mommy and HER boys". The wife has repeatedly disruppted phone conversations with the father, refusing to let me speak to him. The wife and the father, let both of the children outside in the back yard naked to swim in a baby pool, took pictures and posted them on the internet for people to see. I find that the most disturbing due to the fact that there are 4 sex offenders within a block of the current home. The wife has written nasty and demeaning information about myself and my fiance. The wife openly and publicly offends myself and my fiance. I have had two lawyer and am now on my third because they werent taking my situation as seriously as I do, and I felt it best to find another. However, do to my work schedual and his office hours, we do not get to communicate as much as I would like.

I enrolled my child in a sport this past year, and had given the father plenty of advanced notice. The father participated in one practice. The father had contact with the coach and agreed to have my child present at the sport since it was the father weekend, on to seperate occassion, and the father also agreed through our lawyer, but failed to bring my child to these events. I reieved 'threats' from the wife, stating that she will make sure that my child knows how much of a bad mother I am, and the father does not step in and control the situation. It has even gone as far as the wife and father verbally telling my child that he is a twin. There are coutless pictures of these two children dressed in identaical clothing. The wifes child was born in Jan, and my child was born in Feb, and yet I have physical proof that her child (every year) recieves a big birthday bash, that is only for him, while when my childs birthday rolls around, the two children share a cake, with both of their names on it, captions under the picture stating "my birthday boys blowing out their candles".
Now there is a new baby in their home. My child comes home almost every time, stating that its not fair that the baby and other child are loved more. When I question my child why that is said, the child responds that, the wife plays with the baby, and the father plays with the other child, and no one plays with him.

With all of these issues, I am highly concerned, but feel that no one is on my side. I believe that these issues need to be taken seriously and brought to light. As a mother, I feel like I am failing my child when it comes to his emotional state.

In all honest, I want the fathers right taken away. I know that is not a nice thing to wish for, but with all the evidence I have (i havent shared everything) I feel and know that neither the wife nor the father actually care what or how this whole situation effects my child. In my eyes, this is a game to both of them on how to hurt me. I dont know what to do anymore, I have spent thousands of dollars (not saying it isnt worth it, because it is worth every penny), but I feel as if I am getting no where.

Are any of the issues I have stated above truely issues, or are they things that just get me upset? Should I press my lawyer to take action (I havent heard from him in quite some time due to schedual mis-haps)? Should I press my lawyer to take these concerns infront of a judge and plead to let my child have a chance to speak to the judge himself(i found some research that in pa, a child as young as 5 years old, sometimes gets the chance to speak to the judge)??What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?


Queen Bee
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Pa

My child's father and I had an off and on relationship for about 3 years before my child was born. During the first year of my child's life, the father was only around for 3-4 months. By the time my child turned 2 years old, the father was gone. I begged his to visit my child, but he was always to busy or had other plans.
See the bolded? That is part of your problem. Reread the rest of your post as I am not going to continue to deal bold your issue. You need to change the way you view things -- this is not MY child. Try changing the terminology to "our child" as it will begin to show that you view dad as a part of the child and vice versa.

The father went an entire year without any contact with my child. During that year, I left the child support going.
If you ask dad why there was no contact I bet he would say that you wouldn't allow it. Two sides to every story. Should he have contacted HIS child? Yes. But how was he allowed to have contact? What parameters did you set?
I figured it was the least I could do for my child, since the father didnt want to be bothered. I then met someone who treated/treats my child as his own. He is more like a father to my child than his boilogical father
WRONG. The child has a father. End of story. The man you allowed to impregnate you and who pays child support is the father. Not new boyfriend.

After my child turned 3 years old, I recieved legal papers in the mail from an attorney, stating that the father was sueing me in court for custody of my child and that mediation was schedualed for the following Monday. I pulled myself together, got a lawyer, and had a temporary custody order set in place. In the months that followed, I prepared to go infront of a judge because neither one of us could agree. The day before court, the father agreed to visitation and the child living with me. For an entire year, the father, his girlfriend (now wife) and myself were very disrespectufl to one another. All the parties included were rude, mean, and said horrible things to eachother.
So you were really helping the situation, weren't you? Great way of showing your child pathetic behavior.

That lasted for a whole year. Finally I had enough, and contact both of them, and expressed my concern for how the child involved was a witness to every situation. Everyone involved agreed to act as adults and treat eachother with respect. Sadly, that only lasted nine months. The father did not agree with an activity that I enrolled the child in, and became upset. Instead of acting as adults, the father went right to an attorney and tryed to force me to see things his way.
What activity? Did it infringe upon father's time? Did you discuss the activity with dad before enrolling the child or did you just enroll the child? Acting like adults? He did act like an adult by going through court.

The first lawyer contact started in 2008 (that was when the child's father tryed to sue me in court for custody). During all these years, I have had deep concerns about the well being of my child.
And dad most likely has concerns for his child.

The fathers now wife, once had posted in the internet that she was the mother to two twin boys. When in fact, she does have a child from another man, but other than that my child was the only other child in the home at that time (i believe my child was 2 years old at the time she posted that). Also, the wife has posted pictures of herself, her child, and my child with captions stating "mommy and HER boys".
She shouldn't do that but your child knows who mommy and daddy are, correct?

The wife has repeatedly disruppted phone conversations with the father, refusing to let me speak to him.
Really? Father is an adult. Father could decide to speak to you or not.

The wife and the father, let both of the children outside in the back yard naked to swim in a baby pool, took pictures and posted them on the internet for people to see. I find that the most disturbing due to the fact that there are 4 sex offenders within a block of the current home.

How old are the children in the pictures?

The wife has written nasty and demeaning information about myself and my fiance. The wife openly and publicly offends myself and my fiance
And you are publicly offending (sic) the wife and father on here.

I have had two lawyer and am now on my third because they werent taking my situation as seriously as I do, and I felt it best to find another. However, do to my work schedual and his office hours, we do not get to communicate as much as I would like.
YOur third lawyer? That tells me that you are trying to force the situation and because they can't bend the law to suit your wishes, you are not happy and are constantly trying to find someone who can tell you what you want to hear. It also tells me that what you want is most likely not going to happen because it is not within the realm of the law. And finally it tells me that you are a difficult client.

I enrolled my child in a sport this past year, and had given the father plenty of advanced notice.
Did you get dad's permission?

The father participated in one practice. The father had contact with the coach and agreed to have my child present at the sport since it was the father weekend, on to seperate occassion, and the father also agreed through our lawyer, but failed to bring my child to these events.
Dad doesn't have to take the child to practices that occur on his time. He can do what he wants on his court ordered time. You are not allowed to interfere with that.

I reieved 'threats' from the wife, stating that she will make sure that my child knows how much of a bad mother I am, and the father does not step in and control the situation. It has even gone as far as the wife and father verbally telling my child that he is a twin. There are coutless pictures of these two children dressed in identaical clothing. The wifes child was born in Jan, and my child was born in Feb, and yet I have physical proof that her child (every year) recieves a big birthday bash, that is only for him, while when my childs birthday rolls around, the two children share a cake, with both of their names on it, captions under the picture stating "my birthday boys blowing out their candles".
And? Physical proof huh? Sounds like you are jealous of her child getting a birthday bash.

Now there is a new baby in their home. My child comes home almost every time, stating that its not fair that the baby and other child are loved more. When I question my child why that is said, the child responds that, the wife plays with the baby, and the father plays with the other child, and no one plays with him.
And your child is five now? Or six? This could be normal sibling jealousy.

With all of these issues, I am highly concerned, but feel that no one is on my side. I believe that these issues need to be taken seriously and brought to light. As a mother, I feel like I am failing my child when it comes to his emotional state.
You are failing him. Have you gotten him in counseling? Have you taken responsibility for how YOUR attitude impacts the situation?

In all honest, I want the fathers right taken away. I know that is not a nice thing to wish for, but with all the evidence I have (i havent shared everything) I feel and know that neither the wife nor the father actually care what or how this whole situation effects my child.
NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. He is dad. He will be allowed to parent. My my my my my. Learn a new word. Seriously.

In my eyes, this is a game to both of them on how to hurt me. I dont know what to do anymore, I have spent thousands of dollars (not saying it isnt worth it, because it is worth every penny), but I feel as if I am getting no where.
Really? This is all about you? Your pettiness, selfishness and self centeredness are a problem. You can spend thousands more and still not get that. You are playing a game as well. You are looking for anyway to alienate the child from dad.

Are any of the issues I have stated above truely issues, or are they things that just get me upset?
The majority are not truly issues. Should stepmom be posting pics on facebook of your child and saying "my boys" -- no. Not nice. But not illegal.

Should I press my lawyer to take action (I havent heard from him in quite some time due to schedual mis-haps)? Should I press my lawyer to take these concerns infront of a judge and plead to let my child have a chance to speak to the judge himself(i found some research that in pa, a child as young as 5 years old, sometimes gets the chance to speak to the judge)?
A child as young as five? YOU want your child to go to court? I repeat, YOU ARE FAILING YOUR CHILD EMOTIONALLY. You are not thinking of your child but rather are thinking of what YOU want. This is all about YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU.

So does the child call your fiance "dad"?


Bravo to Stealth and Ohiogal for reading the post! :D I will throw my hat in with them as they have a track record of excellent advice.


Under the Radar Member
One thing I will add... I do remember how difficult and angst-y the early years were. Every little thing seemed so much bigger than it really was (in retrospect), and so much more fraught with (mostly negative) emotion. I do wish that someone had told *me* at the time that I was sweating the small stuff (even as I wailed "But you don't UNDERSTAND!!!"), and kept repeating it. So much time is wasted on things that, in the long run, really are insignificant.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, give your all to what you can and do provide in your home for the child. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. Provide a home full of love and warmth - the rest sorts itself out. ;)


Senior Member
One thing I will add... I do remember how difficult and angst-y the early years were. Every little thing seemed so much bigger than it really was (in retrospect), and so much more fraught with (mostly negative) emotion. I do wish that someone had told *me* at the time that I was sweating the small stuff (even as I wailed "But you don't UNDERSTAND!!!"), and kept repeating it. So much time is wasted on things that, in the long run, really are insignificant.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, give your all to what you can and do provide in your home for the child. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. Provide a home full of love and warmth - the rest sorts itself out. ;)
Yes, indeed.

The children that lived through those years will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, which parent/s (and which stepparent/s ;)) were kind and reasonable and loving through thick and thin.

Then those former-children treat each adult accordingly. ;)

Be the parent you want to be, to create the relationship/s you truly desire. Think long-term.


Junior Member
When I first came to this site, I was informed that no one is to be rude or nasty, but its seems thats all anyone on here is doing. I didnt hear any advice in anything anyone said. It was all rude!

Thanks, but no thanks!


Senior Member
When I first came to this site, I was informed that no one is to be rude or nasty, but its seems thats all anyone on here is doing. I didnt hear any advice in anything anyone said. It was all rude!

Thanks, but no thanks!

S'alright. We have long memories.

You'll be back (be it here or elsewhere). :cool:


Queen Bee
When I first came to this site, I was informed that no one is to be rude or nasty, but its seems thats all anyone on here is doing. I didnt hear any advice in anything anyone said. It was all rude!

Thanks, but no thanks!
You didn't answer the questions asked of you quite frankly. And you wanted advice. Advice is that you most likely are NOT going to get what you want because it is outside of what the law will allow given your circumstances. And no one was nasty to you. I pointed out where you were being wrong, stubborn, selfish, petty and contributing to the emotional harm of your child. That was NOT being nasty. That was being harsh but truthful.


Senior Member
I thought you were nice. But apparently questioning her made me rude and nasty. Oh well.
I also didn't see where anyone was being rude or nasty. Nice, well, that's relative.... here, let me try my hand in this. ;)

OP, you are exactly right. No one here knows what they are talking about and you should just run with what you think is right and what your interpretation of the law is. No one here has EVER been in your situation, no one here has EVER been told that they are wrong.


OG, welcome back... I know its a bit late, but better late than never!



What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Pa

My child's father and I had an off and on relationship for about 3 years before my child was born. During the first year of my child's life, the father was only around for 3-4 months. By the time my child turned 2 years old, the father was gone. I begged his to visit my child, but he was always to busy or had other plans. The father went an entire year without any contact with my child. During that year, I left the child support going. I figured it was the least I could do for my child, since the father didnt want to be bothered. I then met someone who treated/treats my child as his own. He is more like a father to my child than his boilogical father. After my child turned 3 years old, I recieved legal papers in the mail from an attorney, stating that the father was sueing me in court for custody of my child and that mediation was schedualed for the following Monday. I pulled myself together, got a lawyer, and had a temporary custody order set in place. In the months that followed, I prepared to go infront of a judge because neither one of us could agree. The day before court, the father agreed to visitation and the child living with me. For an entire year, the father, his girlfriend (now wife) and myself were very disrespectufl to one another. All the parties included were rude, mean, and said horrible things to eachother. That lasted for a whole year. Finally I had enough, and contact both of them, and expressed my concern for how the child involved was a witness to every situation. Everyone involved agreed to act as adults and treat eachother with respect. Sadly, that only lasted nine months. The father did not agree with an activity that I enrolled the child in, and became upset. Instead of acting as adults, the father went right to an attorney and tryed to force me to see things his way.

The first lawyer contact started in 2008 (that was when the child's father tryed to sue me in court for custody). During all these years, I have had deep concerns about the well being of my child. The fathers now wife, once had posted in the internet that she was the mother to two twin boys. When in fact, she does have a child from another man, but other than that my child was the only other child in the home at that time (i believe my child was 2 years old at the time she posted that). Also, the wife has posted pictures of herself, her child, and my child with captions stating "mommy and HER boys". The wife has repeatedly disruppted phone conversations with the father, refusing to let me speak to him. The wife and the father, let both of the children outside in the back yard naked to swim in a baby pool, took pictures and posted them on the internet for people to see. I find that the most disturbing due to the fact that there are 4 sex offenders within a block of the current home. The wife has written nasty and demeaning information about myself and my fiance. The wife openly and publicly offends myself and my fiance. I have had two lawyer and am now on my third because they werent taking my situation as seriously as I do, and I felt it best to find another. However, do to my work schedual and his office hours, we do not get to communicate as much as I would like.

I enrolled my child in a sport this past year, and had given the father plenty of advanced notice. The father participated in one practice. The father had contact with the coach and agreed to have my child present at the sport since it was the father weekend, on to seperate occassion, and the father also agreed through our lawyer, but failed to bring my child to these events. I reieved 'threats' from the wife, stating that she will make sure that my child knows how much of a bad mother I am, and the father does not step in and control the situation. It has even gone as far as the wife and father verbally telling my child that he is a twin. There are coutless pictures of these two children dressed in identaical clothing. The wifes child was born in Jan, and my child was born in Feb, and yet I have physical proof that her child (every year) recieves a big birthday bash, that is only for him, while when my childs birthday rolls around, the two children share a cake, with both of their names on it, captions under the picture stating "my birthday boys blowing out their candles".
Now there is a new baby in their home. My child comes home almost every time, stating that its not fair that the baby and other child are loved more. When I question my child why that is said, the child responds that, the wife plays with the baby, and the father plays with the other child, and no one plays with him.

With all of these issues, I am highly concerned, but feel that no one is on my side. I believe that these issues need to be taken seriously and brought to light. As a mother, I feel like I am failing my child when it comes to his emotional state.

In all honest, I want the fathers right taken away. I know that is not a nice thing to wish for, but with all the evidence I have (i havent shared everything) I feel and know that neither the wife nor the father actually care what or how this whole situation effects my child. In my eyes, this is a game to both of them on how to hurt me. I dont know what to do anymore, I have spent thousands of dollars (not saying it isnt worth it, because it is worth every penny), but I feel as if I am getting no where.

Are any of the issues I have stated above truely issues, or are they things that just get me upset? Should I press my lawyer to take action (I havent heard from him in quite some time due to schedual mis-haps)? Should I press my lawyer to take these concerns infront of a judge and plead to let my child have a chance to speak to the judge himself(i found some research that in pa, a child as young as 5 years old, sometimes gets the chance to speak to the judge)??What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
its nice that your fiance treats your son like his own but the bottom line is your fiance is a legal stranger to this child-not dad. you are engaging in parental alienation, and judges have been known to strip parents of custody for it. you found this man good enough to make this child with, youll be dealing with him for the next 13 years wether you want to or not. 5 year olds dont get to decide anything btw. he will not get to decide wether or not he sees his father( not your fiance)


Senior Member
its nice that your fiance treats your son like his own but the bottom line is your fiance is a legal stranger to this child-not dad. you are engaging in parental alienation, and judges have been known to strip parents of custody for it. you found this man good enough to make this child with, youll be dealing with him for the next 13 years wether you want to or not. 5 year olds dont get to decide anything btw. he will not get to decide wether or not he sees his father( not your fiance)
And.... you're now an expert? How about this, dannyt... How about you learn to structure a sentence and stop parroting those here who articulate their assistance in well structured sentences and complete thoughts? That would be where I would suggest you begin your education; back in middle school english classes. :rolleyes:

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