Stepdad- YOU can be in legal hot water if you dont report this NOW
Reporters must report sexual activity when committed by a person responsible for the child’s welfare. Specifically,
a report is mandated if the following three criteria are met:
The activity involves a minor; -
yep, we got that
(2) The minor’s partner is:
• a person responsible for the child’s welfare:
an individual residing in the same home; or
check mark number 2
a paramour of the child’s parent: AND
(3) Any of the following sexual activity occurred:
• Infection with a sexually transmitted disease. (“Sexually transmitted diseases are by DCFS definition “diseases which were acquired originally as a result of sexual penetration or conduct with an individual who was afflicted.”
• Any contact between the sex organ of one person and an object, or the sex organ, mouth, or anus of another person. Typical acts include vaginal, oral and anal sex.
• The use of a child for sexual arousal, gratification, advantage or profit. This includes such acts as explicit verbal enticements, child pornography, self masturbation in the child’s presence, and forcing a child to watch sex acts; or
Sexual conduct with a child when such contact, touching, or interaction is used for sexual arousal or gratification of sexual needs or desires. Sexual conduct means “any intentional or knowing touching or fondling either directly or through clothing of any part of the body for the purpose of sexual gratification.” Examples include fondling a child or having the child touch the perpetrator sexually. 720 ILCS 5/12-12(e).
This would include kissing, petting, etc. It is used to induce sexual feelings