They aren't alone at school. Their schedules don't mesh well. Teachers watch them. She is dropped off and picked up, so nothing to and from is possible. Yes, maybe they can sneak in a few minutes somewhere between classes, BUT... that's always true, for any kid at any school. If something were to happen during those brief moments it would be something totally beyond our control, something that we simply can't do anything about. And, again, this is true for any kid at any school.
Due to the things I've seen them texting about and such I don't think anything has happened, I certainly hope nothing has happened, but I'm not totally in denial about it. I'm realistic - maybe something did, but there simply hasn't been time for anything much. And hopefully after tomorrow we can kill it all. Or, at least, kill the part where the parents are ok with it.
What high school did YOU go to?
Time for a visit from Unca Jeffy...
Report this now, today, this MINUTE to CPS or be prepared to be convicted of a crime. It is as simple as that.
You can most certainly keep them apart. It is called a protective or restraining order. You get these against people that want to do children harm.
And yes, it may mean that the pedophile has to find another school. I can live with that. So should you.
If your wife is okay with this behavior, education is too late. If the boy's parents are okay with this behavior, education is too late.
Time to take this bull by the horns. Time to call in the big guns.
What the hell are you waiting for? I am sick and tired of people saying they are twisted about what is going to happen to an abused child... well, unless what happens after the authorities are called isn't what they want.
Save the child. Call the police. If you don't, you will be assumed to be just as okay with the child's abuse as any of the other adults in her life that are supposed to be protecting her.
Jesus man, do your job and help her. Why in the hell you would have to be told that is beyond me.