Whis is I channeling tryonebone ~ y'allSure you can. File for a change of custody and request physical custody. Of course you will need to prove a significant change in the child's circumstances (and her pregnancy may not be that).
Just becaus a teenager wants something doesn't mean they get to make the decisions. What if she didn't want to go to school? Wanted to do drugs? Would you support those choices as well?
Again: You are being asked for the exact wording of your court order minus names so we can help you determine your situation.
You say joint custody: Does that mean Joint Physical? If so, what is the split in the order? 50/50%? 70/30% what?
Does it mean Joint Legal: Who has decision making authority? Who has the final say?
This is why we need to know the exact words used. You do not appear to undertand these distinctions and we can't help you without this information.
@ Isis and Tigi--My drill's all plugged in and ready. Get the restraints for the patient, ok?