I live about 113 miles away now and the case is in CA. 1st, will we have to have a 1/2 way meeting point for pick up for my visitation or drive the full distance? 2, what do I do if father decides not to show up at meeting point that is court ordered and cheats me out of my visitation for the weekend. has happeded a few times.
1. The best thing is if the two parents can reach an agreement. It is often the case (but not always) that the parent who creates the distance does the driving. Alternatively, the two of you can meet halfway. Or, the one I prefer, is the receiving parent does all the driving. That is, when the child is coming to your house, you do the driving and when the child is going back with the other parent, that parent does the driving. That solves the problem of one person being stranded halfway. It is also more convenient for many people.
If the two of you can't reach an agreement, the judge will have to decide and then it's anyone's guess how it will go.
2. If there is a court order and the other person does not follow it, you can file for contempt. Make sure you have evidence (for example, buy a soft drink or something at the exchange location and save the receipt to show that you were there). If there's no court order (or if the order says something like 'reasonable visitation'), there's nothing to enforce so you need a court order before filing for contempt.