the question is, if it was so private, how did it get through the grapevine to the coach? and for 1000 if it was illegal to discuss it, why would the DA take the call, and answer the question. ? they didnt even give a detailed response...
I have not been to Kansas, but I'm sure the DA's office would be completely professional in discussing the matter with interested public. (as in persons with a contractual interest in her criminal behavior like her coach, or probation officer) If the coach has no way to know about a students criminal activity, how could he enforce the rule? the honor code? yes, It appears this family is totally honorable.
And what are you going to do if it was improper? get the case thrown out? get her to keep her spot on the team? get the person fired, or sue them for defamation? earn a smiley face sticker? no.