SEP–IRA Contribution Amount
Simplified Employee Pension (SEP–IRA) contribution amount
If your earned income is less than the maximum earned income allowed, your earned income was multiplied by the contribution percentage. If your earned income is greater than the maximum earned income allowed, the maximum earned income allowed was multiplied by the contribution percentage.
Profit-sharing plan–Keogh Contribution Amount
Profit-sharing plan (PSP-Keogh) contribution amount
If your earned income is less than the maximum earned income allowed, your earned income was multiplied by the contribution percentage. If your earned income is greater than the maximum earned income allowed, the maximum earned income allowed was multiplied by the contribution percentage.
SIMPLE IRA Maximum contribution amount
SIMPLE IRA maximum employee contribution amount
The lesser of $11,500.00 or 100% of compensation. $11,500.00
SIMPLE IRA maximum employer contribution amount
The lesser of $11,500.00 or 3% of compensation (assuming the maximum employer match of 3%). $1,385.25
SIMPLE IRA maximum total contribution amount allowed $12,885.25
Individual 401(k) Maximum contribution amount
Individual 401(k) maximum total contribution amount allowed
The contribution amount is based on the income you entered and assumes the maximum allowable salary deferral, maximum allowable employer contribution, and catch-up contribution, if applicable. To determine your annual contribution, visit the IRS website or talk to your tax advisor. $25,793.52