Why? Gifts must be able to be boxed to count as gifts?
Hubby and I never give each other jewelry or toys for our anniversary, we often choose a HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. This year it was buying and installing hardwood floors in the LR/DR. We've also done season tickets.
People redo things in homes they don't own all the time because they wish the improvement. She lived there 11 years. Putting money into one's residence during an 11 year stay, without expectation of reimbursment (at the time), is not that unknown.
Hubby and I never give each other jewelry or toys for our anniversary, we often choose a HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. This year it was buying and installing hardwood floors in the LR/DR. We've also done season tickets.
People redo things in homes they don't own all the time because they wish the improvement. She lived there 11 years. Putting money into one's residence during an 11 year stay, without expectation of reimbursment (at the time), is not that unknown.