Junior Member
My daughter is 17yr old and went to a party and I was aware of her going. She did not drive there and I had an adult friend picking her up after a few hrs in case she did consume any alcohol. The party was at a private residence and parents were out of town..found out later. Anyways cops showed up before she left. Most kids ran into woods. Her and a few others were in house. A boy opened door. My daughter was honest with police. The officer told her she would not get a ticket, but asked if she had been drinking. She said yes and he asked how much. She said a Mike's and maybe a little more. The officer then asked if she had a ride home and she said mom's friend. I never got a call from anyone..only a text from daughter. This happened on a Friday night. Ok..we are a rural area. Daughter says she hears that cops are going to school to inform principal. She is now concerned she will be off her volleyball team if principal finds out. FYI..she had never been in trouble before. Tuesday the principal calls her to office and questioned her on party. Asked if she was there and if she drank any alcohol. She was honest again, and that afternoon I got a call that she was not to play volleyball as it is in the athletes rules..on or off campus drinking is a suspension in sports 30 days. Oh..on Monday night the head guy from Sheriff's office called and talked to husband to make sure we were aware of party. Also stated that no citations given and parents will handle discipline actions. Wednesday..daughter text me from school to inform me that an officer came to school and gave her a ticket. To my surprise..5 days later. Now there were a few kids that deserved tickets..well one I heard was disrespectful and drunk. He was using profanity to police. So principal has a hand in this. Not sure but believe he went to a higher source and demanded the kids get ticketed. Small town and he wants to make an impression. We live in Calif and our county has a code as follows..Prohibition of purchases, possession, or consumption by persons under age twenty-one.Except as otherwise provided by the Business and Professions Code of the State, it shall be unlawful for any person under twenty-one (21) years of age to purchase or possess or consume any alcoholic beverage (as defined in Section 23004 of said Business and Professions Code) anywhere within the County where alcoholic beverages are provided or consumed, including United States forest lands. The age or relationship of the person providing the alcoholic beverage shall not constitute a defense to the violation of this section. Violations of this section shall be punishable as misdemeanors. (Reference: subsection (b) of Section 25658 of the Business and Professions Code of the State.)
So this is what I'm looking at. I'm not defending the fact that my daughter drank alcohol, but really feel that legally things did not go right. Now she is facing loosing her license, a misdemeanor on her record all for the principals personal vendetta and beliefs. I do feel that the police gave her name to him even though he denies it..but his story contradicts the facts. This has also been hard on her with the small town bs. I would appreciate any guidance in this situation. Not sure if we should bother to pursue it legally. I just feel like her privacy has been violated too. This principal is playing the cop/god role at this time, and wonder if he crossed boundaries.
My daughter is 17yr old and went to a party and I was aware of her going. She did not drive there and I had an adult friend picking her up after a few hrs in case she did consume any alcohol. The party was at a private residence and parents were out of town..found out later. Anyways cops showed up before she left. Most kids ran into woods. Her and a few others were in house. A boy opened door. My daughter was honest with police. The officer told her she would not get a ticket, but asked if she had been drinking. She said yes and he asked how much. She said a Mike's and maybe a little more. The officer then asked if she had a ride home and she said mom's friend. I never got a call from anyone..only a text from daughter. This happened on a Friday night. Ok..we are a rural area. Daughter says she hears that cops are going to school to inform principal. She is now concerned she will be off her volleyball team if principal finds out. FYI..she had never been in trouble before. Tuesday the principal calls her to office and questioned her on party. Asked if she was there and if she drank any alcohol. She was honest again, and that afternoon I got a call that she was not to play volleyball as it is in the athletes rules..on or off campus drinking is a suspension in sports 30 days. Oh..on Monday night the head guy from Sheriff's office called and talked to husband to make sure we were aware of party. Also stated that no citations given and parents will handle discipline actions. Wednesday..daughter text me from school to inform me that an officer came to school and gave her a ticket. To my surprise..5 days later. Now there were a few kids that deserved tickets..well one I heard was disrespectful and drunk. He was using profanity to police. So principal has a hand in this. Not sure but believe he went to a higher source and demanded the kids get ticketed. Small town and he wants to make an impression. We live in Calif and our county has a code as follows..Prohibition of purchases, possession, or consumption by persons under age twenty-one.Except as otherwise provided by the Business and Professions Code of the State, it shall be unlawful for any person under twenty-one (21) years of age to purchase or possess or consume any alcoholic beverage (as defined in Section 23004 of said Business and Professions Code) anywhere within the County where alcoholic beverages are provided or consumed, including United States forest lands. The age or relationship of the person providing the alcoholic beverage shall not constitute a defense to the violation of this section. Violations of this section shall be punishable as misdemeanors. (Reference: subsection (b) of Section 25658 of the Business and Professions Code of the State.)
So this is what I'm looking at. I'm not defending the fact that my daughter drank alcohol, but really feel that legally things did not go right. Now she is facing loosing her license, a misdemeanor on her record all for the principals personal vendetta and beliefs. I do feel that the police gave her name to him even though he denies it..but his story contradicts the facts. This has also been hard on her with the small town bs. I would appreciate any guidance in this situation. Not sure if we should bother to pursue it legally. I just feel like her privacy has been violated too. This principal is playing the cop/god role at this time, and wonder if he crossed boundaries.