We are from kentucky and just moved to indiana. we have a severely autistic kid. we moved because at his last school, the teacher was mistreating him and generally making our life hell in an effort to we think run us out, as we were new to the area. well it worked. now that we moved, the school we were going to enroll him in called her to find out about his IEP and basically about him. well she as usual had nothing but b.s. to say about us, and now they went from blowin us off that it would be "awhile" before they could enroll him due to not being "set up" for a child like him (same run around the last place gave us, where we had to fight for his right to be in school!) to "we dont muck around he needs to be enrolled immediately" they are already taking her side. and havent even heard ours. or the truth. between them saying it would 'be awhile" and his worsening behavior, we had planned on just putting him in a temp facility, to try and get better help with him in the meantime, as he is very violent and destructive. including to our other kids. here are my Qs. 1. how long do you legally have to enroll your child in a school before they can do anything legally? 2. are there any private schools he could go to that dont cost out of pocket? he has insurance thru ssi. 3. do you know of any temporary residential facilities in or near new albany indiana we can put him in to help get him sorted out, on proper meds and to give us time to deal with school issues? i have googled looking for them and yet to find anything. i guess im looking it up wrong? we need to get him somewhere immediately both for safety reasons and cuz of school enrollment issues. thanks.