Okay so im 15 and know a few buddies of mine they live across the states and i want to like have a business name for say just an example at randomness "L.O.L Gaming" now that may already be a business name and such... But here's my question can i be 15 and actually own a business? if so what are the steps to starting one, and what i would need to do, Copyrighting, Starting it, Licenses and stuff like that. If anyone can explain just a little bit on how to get started and such or if i am even allowed at 15 to copyright, trademark or start an LLC and who would i need to contact an estimated funds ammount for how much i would need to pay for everything, i have the money and such just need some details. Thanks to anyone who reply's!
also i know we would have to copyright our game designs, code, dialogue and such i believe so some steps or someone to contact and talk about it would also be greatly appreciated!
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? - U.S.A Clarion, Pa.
also i know we would have to copyright our game designs, code, dialogue and such i believe so some steps or someone to contact and talk about it would also be greatly appreciated!
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? - U.S.A Clarion, Pa.