Well, I googled the executive of customer service's direct phone number and called her. I explained the situation and she agreed with me. She said that because I accepted the online instant credits I was in contract. I explained to her the online credit state they are there for ordering online, nothing else. There is no terms and conditions attached to them. But I told her at this point I really don't need to argue those, even though I know I'd win that one. I told her I had no problem sending everything back and paying for the 2 weeks I used the service. So that was the resolution. Contract that never existed is canceled and I had to pay for 2 weeks of internet. Now the activation fee was included in those instant online credits (which were advertised as instant credits for ordering online, nothing more). Time will tell if they try to bill me for that but I can at least afford 75$ then the court fees, instead of the 400$ cancellation fee and court fees.