Junior Member
"Our Social Organization is a home school association that has a Constitution and Values. Some in the membership are questioning the denial of a student to graduate and would like to petition the board members to change the graduation policy. However we need to know that we are confident that we understand the association's constitution and value and need to know our legal foot (so to speak)
Our constitution state:
It shall not in any way impinge on the rights of parents to educate their children as they believe best, but shall strive to offer advice and help as a service to families desiring assistance.
Our Values state:
We believe the ultimate responsibility for the education of children belongs to parents. Thus, we believe this is an inalienable right given by God, which the State can neither create, destroy, nor alter. Parents may delegate another to teach some of the cognitive information that children need to know, but all education must be under the control and supervision of the parents.
We believe education in the home to be the best form of education, but we recognize that many parents cannot educate at home for valid reasons, and we support the right of parents to choose the education they believe to be in the best interest of each child.
We have a "private" school that home schoolers can attend, a student can go full time or part time. The school does not issue a diploma under the school name, students are considered home schooled and families can graduate their child as home schooler; issuing a home school diploma. (All of which is legal with the state of Texas)
The student was denied to participate in the associations graduation ceremony siting that he was not home schooled -their meaning was "schooled in the home"
Even though this family had schooled "in the home" for 10 years and when the opportunity for this school came about they place their child in the school, for 2 years of High school.
The student is being issued a home school diploma by the parents, and has been accepted into a University as a home school graduate.
We believe this denial goes against our constitution and values because the student was place into this "school" for the best interest of the child.
We think the association board going is against it's own constitution and values. Are we correct in this thinking of have we miss interpreted?"
Our constitution state:
It shall not in any way impinge on the rights of parents to educate their children as they believe best, but shall strive to offer advice and help as a service to families desiring assistance.
Our Values state:
We believe the ultimate responsibility for the education of children belongs to parents. Thus, we believe this is an inalienable right given by God, which the State can neither create, destroy, nor alter. Parents may delegate another to teach some of the cognitive information that children need to know, but all education must be under the control and supervision of the parents.
We believe education in the home to be the best form of education, but we recognize that many parents cannot educate at home for valid reasons, and we support the right of parents to choose the education they believe to be in the best interest of each child.
We have a "private" school that home schoolers can attend, a student can go full time or part time. The school does not issue a diploma under the school name, students are considered home schooled and families can graduate their child as home schooler; issuing a home school diploma. (All of which is legal with the state of Texas)
The student was denied to participate in the associations graduation ceremony siting that he was not home schooled -their meaning was "schooled in the home"
Even though this family had schooled "in the home" for 10 years and when the opportunity for this school came about they place their child in the school, for 2 years of High school.
The student is being issued a home school diploma by the parents, and has been accepted into a University as a home school graduate.
We believe this denial goes against our constitution and values because the student was place into this "school" for the best interest of the child.
We think the association board going is against it's own constitution and values. Are we correct in this thinking of have we miss interpreted?"