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Mother committing insurance fraud stealing my child support

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Junior Member
This child has no business having possession of a document that he is not a party to. As it was already stated this is between his mother and his father.
why do you just assume that I have it in my possession. I've seen it its not in my possession it's important not to make assumptions also I'm 21 hardly a child. I understand this is between my mother and my father but my father has never been in my life besides providing a check. Also I'm being deprived of something that is my right to possess (health insurance provided by my father consistent with the terms of the court documents) and I'm being negatively effected by her FRAUDULENTLY using the money not for what it was intended.

it seemed that the OP already has looked at the document or has it in their possession.

And while I agree, the OP shouldn't, that doesn't necessarily mean that's how it happened.

OP, have you asked your mother about why you are no longer covered under insurance?

You may indeed need to apply for some sort of public assistance, or get a job that offers you insurance, or pay for your own insurance....
I guess you just don't understand the word, - THIS IS NONE OF THE OP'S BUSINESS. You should not make any assumptions as to what the OP has or has not seen since it is a moot point.
why do you just assume that I have it in my possession. I've seen it its not in my possession it's important not to make assumptions also I'm 21 hardly a child. I understand this is between my mother and my father but my father has never been in my life besides providing a check. Also I'm being deprived of something that is my right to possess (health insurance provided by my father consistent with the terms of the court documents) and I'm being negatively effected by her FRAUDULENTLY using the money not for what it was intended.
You are not a party to the action - just keep saying that....


Senior Member

Even if mom had been providing the coverage, sicne NY emancipates the child at 21 (and in some cases, sooner), it would be a reasonable "ass"umption that her obligaiton to provide health coverage would have ended at the same point.


Junior Member
I actually can't believe this. So it's ok for my mother to deprive me of what is rightfully mine? And it's my responsibility to get a job that provides health insurance even though I'm already supposed to have it if my mother wasn't a selfish bitch? And all the majority of you can focus on is the point that I shouldn't be in possession of the court documents? I'm a victim being victimized. The law doesn't help the victim.
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I actually can't believe this. So it's ok for my mother to deprive me of what is rightfully mine? And it's my responsibility to get a job that provides health insurance even though I'm already supposed to have it if my mother wasn't a selfish bitch? And all the majority of you can focus on is the point that I shouldn't be in possession of the court documents? I'm a victim being victimized. The law doesn't help the victim.
Child support was never yours.

What a terrible world we live in that requires an adult to get a job and provide their own health insurance.:rolleyes:

Someone please help this victim of circumstance!
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Senior Member

Even if mom had been providing the coverage, sicne NY emancipates the child at 21 (and in some cases, sooner), it would be a reasonable "ass"umption that her obligation to provide health coverage would have ended at the same point.
I actually can't believe this. So it's ok for my mother to deprive me of what is rightfully mine? And it's my responsibility to get a job that provides health insurance even though I'm already supposed to have it if my mother wasn't a selfish bitch? And all the majority of you can focus on is the point that I shouldn't be in possession of the court documents? I'm a victim being victimized. The law doesn't help the victim.
Re-read my response.

And frankly, I am not surprised that your mom cut you off if the way you speak about her is the way you speak to her.
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Senior Member
I actually can't believe this. So it's ok for my mother to deprive me of what is rightfully mine? And it's my responsibility to get a job that provides health insurance even though I'm already supposed to have it if my mother wasn't a selfish bitch? And all the majority of you can focus on is the point that I shouldn't be in possession of the court documents? I'm a victim being victimized.. The law doesn't help the victim.
yes, yes you should find a job and stop acting like a brat who believes she/he is owed anything! And quit mooching off of your mother. Legally you are an adult now, so grow up. Put on your big girl panties and stop whining

The fact that you ACTUALLY referred to your mother as the "b" word, speaks volumes.
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Junior Member
Child support was never yours.

What a terrible world we live in that requires an adult to get a job and provide their own health insurance.:rolleyes:

Someone please help this victim of circumstance!
So even though my mother receives 1500$ from a trust that is supposed to be used for insurance that's not fraud? She can use that money for whatever she wants and that's fine. Your sensitivity is really appreciated. Thank you so much for your kindness I hope to pay it forward :)
So even though my mother receives 1500$ from a trust that is supposed to be used for insurance that's not fraud? She can use that money for whatever she wants and that's fine. Your sensitivity is really appreciated. Thank you so much for your kindness I hope to pay it forward :)
You are welcome. And yes, Karma is my friend. If I were you, though, I'd watch out.;)


Senior Member
I actually can't believe this. So it's ok for my mother to deprive me of what is rightfully mine? And it's my responsibility to get a job that provides health insurance even though I'm already supposed to have it if my mother wasn't a selfish bitch? And all the majority of you can focus on is the point that I shouldn't be in possession of the court documents? I'm a victim being victimized. The law doesn't help the victim.
Actually, the reason this country is so is becase the new generation has grown up with such a sense of entitlement that everything bad that happens has to be "Someone else's fault" and they refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions and lives.

If you read what I posted, you'd realized you're now and independent young person who needs get up and provide for yourself, because unless that child support order has provision for continued support of an adult child, your parents obligation to provide for you ended the month you turned 21.
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