I just wanted to clarify the reason I pointed out the dealer plates. I had my vehicle listed on craigslist when the Mechanic contacted me. We met between our locations at a gas station. He said it was his car, but that he sells through a friend that is a dealer. I figured because he had dealer plates and that the dealer had signed the title, that this was legit. Unfortunately, this was an open title from the dealer he bought it from....and he didn't buy it in his name, he bought it in the dealers name.
The DMV stated that the guy didn't register it to avoid paying taxes. The next time I went back and they saw the white out, they were appalled. They had never seen anything this messed up from a dealer. They made copies just to keep for themselves and gave me phone numbers and encouraged me to make formal complaints. Being that they deal in this everyday, and they saw the paperwork first hand, I took their advice. I have made a complaint with MODOR and with the Attorney Generals Office.
DMV said on both occasions that I needed a clean title, title for application, and a secured power of attorney. But because he is a dealer, going at it from a different stand point, I can see where he needs the IDOD....This is just for him to get the title assign to them....not to me...that will be yet another step. Thanks everyone for all the info. I will keep you posted....he did pick up the car today and has it in his possession and now I really have nothing. I hope that wasn't a mistake on my part....but I wanted to be cooperative.