Hopefully, this saga is almost over (for the most part). As I said in the last post, the DA had asked for me to come in Monday and speak with her regarding a protective order. However, over the weekend there were additional events that occurred. I brought some of his things to the hotel to avoid having him come to the house since I did not yet have any kind of PO against him. I brought the items to his room but refused to step inside, simply put them in the doorway and turned to leave. He grabbed me by grabbing chunks of skin on my shoulder and right below my ribcage and tried to pull me into the room - I was able to get out of his grasp and tried to walk away again. He was able to grab me again and pulled me into the room and threw me against the wall/door jam of bathroom. I again was able to get out the door and he did not follow me this time. Instead he yelled after me that I better watch my back at work the next day (this was Sunday evening).
Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and I should have had someone accompany me but I ignorantly thought I was just dropping things off to him and that was it. I walked to the lobby of the hotel and called the police. Unlike the other times where it was physical but left no visible marks, I had red welts from where he had grabbed me and along my back where it hit the wall. He was arrested for possession, paraphernalia (sp?) and assault FV. I was able to get an emergency PO at that time. He has not come around since then since he knows I have it, which I am grateful for thus far. I keep the doors locked and alarm set at all times. He is aware that I have changed the locks, alarm codes and signed up with an alarm monitoring service. I don't know where he is now but his family does call me occasionally and they are trying to fly him out of state to stay with family. Once I receive confirmation that he has actually gone, I will breathe much easier. I alerted my job so they have a picture of him, copy of my PO and know to turn him away if he shows up. Security is also allowing me to park in front of the building instead of in the parking garage for right now.
As far as the divorce filing, I suspect that he will not file an answer with the court and I will be able to pursue a default judgement since he was properly served via a process server I hired. I know some think I had questionable intentions and it's not that, just confused and lost on how to handle this type of thing. Since I wasn't being abused to the point of severe or even recordable injuries (until last week) I thought calling the police would result in nothing more than making him more angry. When preparing my divorce decree, can I put a time limit on how long he has to gather his belongings? The majority of this things are still at the house and knowing him, he will not bother to collect them or will try and have me mail them to him. I don't mind keeping them for a certain amount of time but not indefinitely. Is this a reasonable request (say, a year of storage before he loses any recourse if I dispose of them)? Is there anything else that I should be doing here?