That's not correct in many ways.The only falt by me is placing trust in the sister in the first place.As not knowing her true future intentions .
The likes & trust to the sister,older adults are vulnerable to exploitation or abuse?Most elderly people are lonely and will place likes & trust into anyone as well as a stranger.The sister shows up aunt the aunt's door.Three days later she finds the will?If the sister was out to stay,help the aunt as a care giver.There was no reason for the sister sneaking around the house looking for the will in the first place.Keep in mind she told me "I found the will".The main question in the first place is why was you looking for the will?The aunt knew how to save/manage her money.The aunt has enough money to where she don't need to sell a thing at this time.
I decided to take a trip to a local pawn shop .I found items of my aunt's in the local pawn shop.I decided to do a test.I bought one of the items in the pawn shop.I then took the item to my aunt.She verified it is her item and it wasn't in the house to be found.Then she asked me where did I get it?I just told her I found it in the corner in the house.So,the sister has no idea I know about the items being sold at the pawn shop.I decided to do more searching.I found the aunt's house for sale online and in a news paper ad with the sister's cell phone number attached.I asked the aunt if she was selling her home she said "No" .During the time of the will with the aunt & attorney.The attorney asked the aunt if she would die what does she want us to do with the house?She stated "Auction it".Originaly,the sister told me her plans was to live in the house with the aunt as care giver until it comes time for a nurcing home.If this is the case,the house shouldn't be for sale now."Their living in it".I also,found many other items listed for sale in the news paper with the sister's cell number attached.I upfronted the aunt about all of this stuff selling.The aunt says she isn't selling a thing.She did tell me that the sister is removing items from the home and placing them in a storage unit to make room in the house is what the sister told the aunt.So,this explains why the sister removed the aunt's phone from the wall.So,the aunt don't receive phone calls from the sister's buyers.
Let's just say that the adult social services finds this very interesting.So,interesting they want the news paper ads,