You have to earn minimum wage for all hours worked, within a pay period which is usually two weeks. Figure your paid by the employer wages and add your tips to that. However many hours you worked in that pay period, MUST be at least the minimum wage.
For example: I am a tipped employee that makes a tip wage of $2 an hour, and min wage is $8 (not the real wages, I'm just using even numbers to keep this simple) I work for 20 hours per week. I add my paid wages and my tips together. I must earn at least: 40 hours (two week pay period)x8=$320. The $320 is a combination of my tip wage and my actual tips. If my tips do not bring my pay up to $320, my employer makes up the difference, (and, then usually cuts my hours!) Make sure you keep very accurate records. How does your employer record your tips?
I would start looking for a new job. Any employer that wants to play games with your minimum wages due is someone you do not want to be working for. It's bad business practice to be penny wise and pound foolish. Good luck
For example: I am a tipped employee that makes a tip wage of $2 an hour, and min wage is $8 (not the real wages, I'm just using even numbers to keep this simple) I work for 20 hours per week. I add my paid wages and my tips together. I must earn at least: 40 hours (two week pay period)x8=$320. The $320 is a combination of my tip wage and my actual tips. If my tips do not bring my pay up to $320, my employer makes up the difference, (and, then usually cuts my hours!) Make sure you keep very accurate records. How does your employer record your tips?
I would start looking for a new job. Any employer that wants to play games with your minimum wages due is someone you do not want to be working for. It's bad business practice to be penny wise and pound foolish. Good luck