Queen Bee
a) if the divorce is not finalized, she doesn't have sole custody yet of the child.Unfortunately there is one child involved, she has sole custody. The ex has been avoiding paying support for her (the daughter) as well. It is unfortunate my involvement could be an issue. It has been a messy divorce, its been around a lot longer than our relationship, but I don't know that it's really an option to sit idly by, but at the same time we're not in the space to say lets just move in together, and deal with the financial impact regardless.
I think the next step is for her to get a lawyer and work through this. It may be too complicated of an issue for a forum. We were hoping that I could loan her the money without having any permanent effect on her divorce proceedings. That may be unavoidable.
b) She shouldn't be subjecting the child to her paramour.
c) She shouldn't be expecting her husband to support her while she is screwing someone else.
d) You can easily be brought into this and hubby's attorney should interplead you. That way when you are made a party, YOUR finances become an issue. YOU become an issue. Should I continue?
e) Legally everything I said above is true.