Okay to start I live in NC but work in SC. Right before Christmas my employer placed a tax levy garnishment on my paycheck. I contacted federal and both states dept of revenue/IRS. All said that I owed them nothing and the didnt issue anything. So I call to inform my employer. Employer said that it came from SC. (Side note: have not filed in SC yet) so after being on the phone for hours the conclusion comes to that my employer didnt pay any attention to my social or my name and placed someone else's levy on me. Employer says they will be paying me back. However one month later no money and employer is dodging my calls and or making statements saying oh well we're still working on it. The problem is that I have bills and the amount they took out exceeded 50% of my check. I feel as though I am being too nice and keep accepting the were still working on it excuse. Thankfully I will be accepting a better paying job soon but I feel I should ask for what's owed to me before I leave or it may become more difficult. Any suggestions on how to deal with this situation will be appreciated.