Cont- & last,
I must say,if a attorney would ever write a step by step handbook on POAs for Dummies the book stores would never have enough copies on hand.Something to think about.
What I find strange about going online asking questions about the do's and don'ts of a POA is,The only answer I recieve is talk to the attorney.If you don't get anywhere with that attorney you talked to.Then what do you do?Next,answer is go to another attorney.Talking draining a pocket book just to get a answer.The next issue I found asking attorneys questions about POAs is,No matter who you talk too.You never get a straight answer and never the same answer from a attorney.It always,one attorney knows more then the other.It's strange that all the attorneys in the same State goes to school for the same law but,studdies not the same Law book for their State.If two attorneys from the same State would ever seat down with each other and differ a issue?They would differ for hours if not days.They read & studied the same law books.But,yet they differ to solve the issue.
I will end this venting by saying this,
If you was ever a Power of Attorney (POA) for a relative,friend or who ever.You would understand by fact what I'm going through with this DPOA and the issues involved that knowone clues you about.The word "FREE" is just a word or a lie.Nothing's for free in this world.Knowone works for free.
With that said,
Taking on the job of a Power of Attorney "Attorney in Fact" comes with many hours of your time each day if not everyday.If was never a accountant in your life time?You better open your books and go back to school.Because,POAs requires you to be a accountant,recorder & banker.
They all say this,POAs are not allowed to charge for services.This means being reimbursed for costs associated with being a POA is not possible?Why is this so twisted in confusion?The States designed,revised the laws of POAs my guess is because,POAs was abusing their clients or abusing the GOV.
What I found is this,
Do you realize that anyone can be a POA as long as their over 18 of age regardless of their lack of education.Background checks are not a requirement to be a POA.Why isn't there a list of requirements, required to be a POA?Seems the when they created POAs all they thought about was laws/rules of the job.Careless who's the POA.A Murderer, molester can be a POA.My point is this,most clients that need a POA is mostly Elderly retireies.These elderly people work all their lives to save for their retirement.There's people out there that have bad credit,lost their homes and filed bankruptcy taking on the job as POAs over a elderly.They can't manage their own money but,yet that get to manage a elderly persons retirement.
I learned that POAs is worthless to have.POAs is only for finger pointing if money is spent wrong.If there's not a POA appointed.The creditors have no fingers to point too.And by right's POAs should be required to have requirements in order to be a Attorney in fact.
I end my venting.Help me delete this thread please?I'm done.Have a nice day lol.