I'm no holy roller (far from it), but I really believe that the ease which which a divorce can be obtained in the past 40 years or so has been, along with birth control, abortion, cheap/easy travel and relocation, and a few other factors, a key component in the unraveling of our societal moral structure. Now, you can argue that the moral structure was a bad thing, and should well have been destroyed; I'd listen to that argument. You can also argue that no-fault divorce has positive side effects such as protecting women and children from abusive situations, and I'd listen to that argument as well. But there's no doubt in my mind that easy divorces cause society at large to take marriage less seriously, and put less effort into fixing a broken marriage. It's harmful to kids overall. Not in every case, but overall.
Now, we're obviously not going to ban or even further regulate birth control. I'm not even going to open the can of worms that is abortion. I think KS is addressing the only one of these issues that they really can address: the fact that it's as easy to get a divorce as it is to pick up a gallon of milk on the way home from the office. The problem is it isn't going to help -- it's far too late for that. They'd be better off simply getting rid of marriage entirely than trying to fix divorce.