What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? New York
Similar to the Mugsite websites, there is a new site called Bankruptreport.com that is publishing the names (and individual profile page) of people who have filed for bankruptcy in the US . Aside from my name, address and filing information appearing on this site, my bankruptcy now ALSO appears prominently on web engine searches (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) when anyone types in my name. Needless to say, this hasn't been great for my consultancy business.
While the site won't take down your bankruptcy profile, they will conveniently refer you to a third party "reputation management" firm who you can pay to remove your page from their site. I have read online that the fee is $400.
I know what bankruptreport.com is doing is technically legal, but do I have ANY legal recourse to get my name and information removed from their website?
Does the right of publicity apply to this situation? Misappropriation? Violation of privacy? Bankruptreport.com claims that their ONLY source of revenue is from advertising. Do they have the right to feature ads next to my profile page (and my name) without permission for exploitative purposes?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...many thanks!
Similar to the Mugsite websites, there is a new site called Bankruptreport.com that is publishing the names (and individual profile page) of people who have filed for bankruptcy in the US . Aside from my name, address and filing information appearing on this site, my bankruptcy now ALSO appears prominently on web engine searches (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) when anyone types in my name. Needless to say, this hasn't been great for my consultancy business.
While the site won't take down your bankruptcy profile, they will conveniently refer you to a third party "reputation management" firm who you can pay to remove your page from their site. I have read online that the fee is $400.
I know what bankruptreport.com is doing is technically legal, but do I have ANY legal recourse to get my name and information removed from their website?
Does the right of publicity apply to this situation? Misappropriation? Violation of privacy? Bankruptreport.com claims that their ONLY source of revenue is from advertising. Do they have the right to feature ads next to my profile page (and my name) without permission for exploitative purposes?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...many thanks!