While I get what you're saying in terms of OP needing to ask for a copy of the policy, I can also see why he wouldn't think to ask seeing as he already had it in WRITING that the policy covered his situation. Since recruiters are generally representatives of the company or companies they are recruiting for, it could very easily be seen by some that statements made by such recruiters are directly in correlation with the policies written by the companies they represent and therefor are solid and correct.
The recruiter didn't lie; the policy
does cover preexisting conditions. The
details of the coverage are outlined in the policy.
I am curious as to exactly what the OP has in writing about the policy. If it is as vague as "STD covers preexisting conditions", then the OP is out of luck. If it's as vague as "preexisting conditions won't be a factor as long as you sign-up when you start", then the OP
may be out of luck. However, despite the quotation marks, I doubt that the written assurance is "preexisting conditions won't be a factor as long as you sign-up when you start".