Im in Connecticut, and I believe the affected minor was transported to the hospital via Ambulance.
Thank you for providing the name of your state, CTFletcher.
Your friend should not say anything to the police if they call or come to see him. Your friend should refuse to answer all questions and instead say he wishes to have an attorney speak for him. Then he should find an attorney.
The possible charges for providing alcohol to a minor can range from an infraction to a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on facts. A conviction on either a misdemeanor charge or a felony charge can affect your friend in all sorts of bad ways.
Although you answered my earlier question as I asked it, about who transported the minor to the hospital, I actually wanted to know if it was the friend who called for medical assistance for the minor after noticing the minor was reacting badly to the alcohol. If so, this can sometimes make a difference to the prosecutor when deciding what charges to file (if charges are forthcoming).