I live in Fairview, MI. and I really need some advice here. I was an unpaid live-in caregiver for my Grandma and Step-Grandpa for the last two years. Grandma died in July so Step-Grandpa decided to move in with his sister and auction off all his personal property. He put me in charge of his estate, we filed the paperwork granting me full power of attorney, and he moved in with his sister. He has Alzheimer's so his daughter (my Step-Aunt) took over his finances (although I still have full power of attorney).
It was agreed between my Grandpa, his daughter, and I would receive half of the proceeds from both the auction and any other personal property sold. The reasons being that I took care of them for two years, poured the entirety of my savings into their bank account to bail them out of a bad financial spot back when I first moved in, and that I deserved some sort of inheritance when my Grandma passed.
This is where things get messed up.
My Grandpa's brother bought his tractor from him for $2500. I was supposed to receive half. He sent the money to my step-aunt who was supposed to keep half (for my Grandpa) and mail the other half to me. She kept it instead, supposedly to put towards Grandpa's debts (my Grandparents weren't good with money). Not only that but she's turned against me completely. She blames me for Grandpa's debts and claims her lawyer says I'm to stop removing items from the house for the auction.
I don't know what to do here. Where do I stand legally?
Normally I would have just washed my hands of this aggravation but the situation with my Grandparents left me destitute and the job market here is nil. I desperately need that money to survive through the winter until I can start a seasonal job next spring. Abandoning ship, so to speak, isn't really an option for me at the moment.
It was agreed between my Grandpa, his daughter, and I would receive half of the proceeds from both the auction and any other personal property sold. The reasons being that I took care of them for two years, poured the entirety of my savings into their bank account to bail them out of a bad financial spot back when I first moved in, and that I deserved some sort of inheritance when my Grandma passed.
This is where things get messed up.
My Grandpa's brother bought his tractor from him for $2500. I was supposed to receive half. He sent the money to my step-aunt who was supposed to keep half (for my Grandpa) and mail the other half to me. She kept it instead, supposedly to put towards Grandpa's debts (my Grandparents weren't good with money). Not only that but she's turned against me completely. She blames me for Grandpa's debts and claims her lawyer says I'm to stop removing items from the house for the auction.
I don't know what to do here. Where do I stand legally?
Normally I would have just washed my hands of this aggravation but the situation with my Grandparents left me destitute and the job market here is nil. I desperately need that money to survive through the winter until I can start a seasonal job next spring. Abandoning ship, so to speak, isn't really an option for me at the moment.