It's been an ongoing battle with my neighbor over her "entitled" spot bc she's lived here for 20 years. She's done everything from posted cardboard signs over and over again in front of the spot, to stealing DOT orange cones and placing them in said spot everytime she leaves. (My husband is a cop and has confronted her about where she's acquired these cones). This has been going on for 2 years now and she's managed to bully everyone out of parking there.
So today, a handicapped parking sign appeared in front of "her spot", tied up with zip cords and with NO blue lines or symbols painted on the ground. She is clearly 100% not handicapped.
My husband has tried to contact his fellow officers to find out what the actual law is (we live out of his jurisdiction). But as of yet, he hasn't gotten a concrete answer.
I guess I have a few questions..
Is there any kind of list of "approved handicapped spots"? If so, how would we find this?
What would the consequences be if someone were to post a fake or stolen handicapped sign?
Who would we call? (My husband said he would go knock on their door and ask them. Most people would play dumb and take it down at that point, but we know she wouldn't. Beyond that, he wasn't really sure what he would do, as he's fairly new on the job)
I appreciate any advice/feedback. Thank you!