Senior Member
that's from NYC.gov http://www1.nyc.gov/site/finance/vehicles/services-booting.pageVehicle Booting
When a vehicle is booted, a device is attached to a wheel of your vehicle to prevent you from moving it. Your vehicle can be booted for owing the city more than $350 in parking ticket or camera violations that are in judgment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Removing the Boot from Your Vehicle
To get the boot off, call the toll-free phone number on the boot notice (877-207-2134) to pay all of your outstanding judgment debt, plus the additional fees listed below. You can pay over the phone with your debit/credit card or an electronic check. We also accept cash, money orders or cashier's checks at our Business Centers. After you pay what you owe, you will receive a release code immediately. When you enter the code, the boot will unlock and you can remove it. You need to return the boot to a return location near you within 24 hours to avoid a late fee of $25.00 per day. Note: If your car is booted or is at risk of being booted DO NOT PAY ONLINE. If your car is at risk of being booted and you choose to pay online then your vehicle may be booted or towed before your payment is processed. You will be responsible for all booting or towing fees.
then from their FAQ http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/finance/downloads/pdf/faq/booting_faq.pdfFees
There is a $159 fee for the boot and a $80 Sheriff’s execution fee as well as a poundage fee (5% of all fines including penalties and interest). If you do not pay the parking ticket or camera violation judgment debt and related fees within two business days of being booted, then your vehicle may be towed. The total amount that you must pay to get your vehicle back can be calculated using the chart on the Redeem a Towed Vehicle page.
so, if you don't pay the fees and fines, it would appear one day you may walk out to where your car WAS. Then to get it back, you get to pay everything.16. WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T PAY THE FEES AND FINES?
If you do not pay the parking ticket or camera violation judgment debt and related fees within
two business days of being booted, then your vehicle may be towed. Your vehicle may also
be towed immediately after it is booted if you threaten to remove the boot or your vehicle has
previously had a boot that was unlawfully removed; if you owe more than $2,500 in judgment
debt; if the vehicle is illegally parked in a manner that affects public safety (i.e., in a bus stop,
on the sidewalk, etc.); or if the vehicle is unable to be booted due to some other physical impediment.
I don't see anything suggesting it would be considered a crime.
so, if you don't pay the tow guy I suspect he may follow you around and one day when you hop out of your car he's going to hook it up and go. Then you can argue all you want but I would bet you don't get it back unless you pay everything you owe him.