Senior Member
So it appears you do have time to go outside and engage in a conversation with the unauthorized parkers.
Regardless, you will never be able to write enforceable tickets nor will the police.
Hanging signs on the neighboring business may help but unless the restaurant agrees to the signs, don't do it. While I wouldn't expect such a minimal crime to be prosecuted, it is in fact a crime.
But this is not chik fil a's problem. They are parking in your lot so it makes it your problem.
Regardless, you will never be able to write enforceable tickets nor will the police.
Hanging signs on the neighboring business may help but unless the restaurant agrees to the signs, don't do it. While I wouldn't expect such a minimal crime to be prosecuted, it is in fact a crime.
But this is not chik fil a's problem. They are parking in your lot so it makes it your problem.