Curtis Brown
Junior Member
My doctor is a not highly respected doctor he has had many complaints and has a very low rating I do not necessarily believe everything he told me.
There was no "original message"My doctor is a not highly respected doctor he has had many complaints and has a very low rating I do not necessarily believe everything he told me.
The best way to add to an original message is to not delete the original message.My doctor is a not highly respected doctor he has had many complaints and has a very low rating I do not necessarily believe everything he told me.
I suspect that your original post may have had links or some specific key words that caused it to be referred to the moderator for approval. There still is no "original post". When/if it does appear, then I would suggest that you add your concerns about the doctor to that post/thread.I have resubmitted my original post,sorry.
I contacted the moderator for you, Curtis Brown. The moderator will look into the problems you are having with some of your posts not showing up.I have also added the concerns that I have about my doctors veracity
That seems to be the bottom line, huh?In any event, it sounds like you need a new doctor.
This would appear to be an issue that should not be addressed in this forum.My doctor is a not highly respected doctor he has had many complaints and has a very low rating I do not necessarily believe everything he told me.
The posts that Curtis says are missing are not being edited for content. It appears they were deleted.This would appear to be an issue that should not be addressed in this forum.
Of course, the missing original post may alter my perception.