I received a letter in the mail last year from a local hospital that stated I owed them $1300 and if I did not pay it they would take it from my sc state 2017 tax return. I saved up the money and payed it in full with my HSA. After filling my taxes this year I received a letter in the mail from SCDOR stating that they garnished my entire state tax return in order to pay for the above referenced account. I went down to this hospitals billing and they said their computers would down, but after they get them back up they would call me and get me a refund etc.. Later that day I received a call from them saying that my intial $1300 payment went in part to pay another bill of $800 on a different account and that left a balance on the $1300.00 bill so the garnished tax return went to pay the remaining balance. I did not authorize them to pay the $800 bill nor was I aware of it. Is it legal for them to do that and not notify the South Carolina Dept. of Revenue ?