Have you considered bankruptcy?Many thanks and I do understood your warning and appreciate.
Clarification: My friend will not put his/her name anywhere but the only advantage he will be having is: she is in US therefore, she will have internet access. Please let me know Is it a crime if I give my court filing system’s login and password to my friend and she simply file my motion as if I am filing (her name or details will not show up at any place). If that is a crime, I will not involve my friend (she is not an attorney).
I need 100 lifetimes to pay that debit. Also, I am not in a position to pay anything as we are barely running our family.
The letter won't mean anything if not properly formatted. I don't know why your "young attorney" advised you to file a motion. You need to file the claim for exemption when it's time and how you are instructed.Thank you again and appreciate greatly! Without your advise, I would be in much serious trouble related to "impersonation". You really saved us!
I will try to file that motion from that country, if my health and internet permits. If for any reason, I cannot file the motion then I will try to email a letter, referring to my notice of unavailability, to the judg'e judicial assistant and CC that letter to the creditor. In other words, if there is internet but it does not permit me to file the motion then I will send a letter by email to Judge's judicial assistant and CC to the creditor (explaining my problem with filing the motion and my health, and a reference to my notice of unavailability, etc). Would this be reasonably enough?
Unfortunately I cannot file for bankruptcy.