I have a a question I debating in my own thoughts do to the fact I have very little legal knowledge, but my wife is going through a criminal charge and and the judge who resides on case in Arkansas happens to be not on my father's golfing friend as well they are brother n laws married to sisters! In the beginning of it all we thought this is gonna be a great thing for the home team but he has really screwed us in whole ordeal! Let me start off by saying becouse of there buddy buddy relationship he (judge) knows a ton more about us, more than average joe would anyway! He Evan told us (judge) that him sitting on case was kinda gonna be a hairy situation for him to Evan do, but he was gonna take it on anyway! A week b4 they offered her a plee, we were told to call judge and he was dicuss with us what he recommended to d.a that she take smarter sentencing program Evan though restitution was too high to really Evan be considered for program, but he stated if she completed everything in program other than restitution he would wipe amount away! She completed all required tasks off program, and at time to go for what we thought was a final court appearance wound up with not only restitution amount but drug court program! I myself don't know how any fair decision could be made at all due to fact of his knowledge im sure shared at golf course my dad to judge talking to about his problematic son and daughter n law! Just don't think it has been handled as court case her now sitting in a cell becouse she had her first infraction where most get community service for their firsts
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