I disagree ..the default status is that of employee ....and neither side can write q contract that holds up to violate public policy ...to spell out when to,show up when to leave when not to eat lunch , how to manage the work product/data etc....it may be a close call...check the info IRS has re S-8 forms ...the more the employer controls when, what, how, where the less likely you are to be a true I-c
You didn't mention your state.....might help...some states have even tougher laws about who is an employee.
( I've paid IC s for travel and wait times essentially portal to portal but that was clearly in the written terms of engagement and they were far from under my control as to who did what when to get the job done )!
Default? What are you talking About? Until somebody with the authority to call him an employee does so, the employer is going to consider him an ic. He doesn’t have automatic rights here.just by saying he believes he is missclassified. It has to be established he is an employee by somebody with the authority to make that call. Until op does that, he is an ic whether it be lawful or not.
A client can establish work hours by virtue of being open only st certain times or not allowing an ic into the establishment without permission. A contract can include the person be available without any unattended time. It is up to the ic to figure out how to man that work. If he has to hire fill in help or refrain from taking s bresk, that’s what he does.
I didn’t see anything about how to manage the work product. The client can demand a specific result of the work effort though
And I see you suggested filing an ss8. Well gee, I guess my statement about not having any enforceable really rights until somebody in authority makes the call was heard.
Regardless his question about having control of the data somehow can be seen as engaged to wait is silly and that seems to be his biggest concern.