Unfortunately we live in times where ripping off the local public schools and local taxpayers is fair game with few if any negative consequences ....falsification of income to qualify for free or reduced lunch, massive abuse about paying for lunch if you don't qualily : some local parents are over $1000 each behind and unlikely to pay , massive falsification of where a child actually lives. : one local study came back that over 40% of children were in incorrect district for any number of reasons, almost total inaction to address students required to pay tuition and collection of same ....and throw in some absurd case law ( In Pa) which allows me to pay you to take and enroll my child in your local district for free ...and the list goes on and sometimes gets worse...example , if a charter school gets a 100% tuition reimbursement bonus for every student with an IEP and by law and regulation one cannot inspect the IEPs , how many bogus and unnecessary IEPs do you think get generated? And some wacky formulas which make such IEPs more lucratice than full tuition at Penn.
I don't know about glue sticks...but if you bring in a supply of pencils,and hand one out to a student who forgot his...it can be aggravating to have him proceed to sharpen it to nothing and ask for another one . Or watch several students you know are on free lunch dump most of thier lunch and proceed to stuff coins in the vending machines