Did we ever get a state here? Never mind. The person who's not in support groups, cannot show the court something like the 90 meetings in 90 days, who is perfectly sure and confident, even defensive of her extended forever sobriety at six months out, plus refuses to admit she's really ever had a problem or ever did not put her children first is a walking advertisement for "will not impress the court" whatever the state. This order is very recently given, was only put in in October, hasn't really started with the 4 hours visitation yet, is this correct? And you cannot find out his number to work out the visitation?
Lay some track of your doing productive things while you do not have the children. Such as was mentioned, get your GED if you do not have it, do some job training if you do, don't count on ever getting to be a "stay at home mom" again. And get in a good NA or addictions meeting, get a sponsor, listen to what they suggest. Practice humility. And when the time comes for you to go to court have your close supportive family help you get an attorney to represent you. Pretend this is ten years from now, and you have traveled back in time and gotten a "do over" of this time right now. Do it right. Best of wishes for your success. Even if it was all about the money before, which it usually, really isn't, you can get another chance if you do it right.